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Brass Knuckle- A Modern Weapon for Street Fighting

Self Defense Weapon

· brass-knuckle

In the olden days, hand to hand fights between people or crew of people was very common and this type of fight was termed the street fight. But in the present era, weapons like brass knuckles are used in street fights because with these, you can protect yourself more easily.

Brass Knuckle is one of the most effective self defense weapons used in street fighting. In this article, we are going to explain what it means and how you can utilize it in today’s street fighting.

Legalities around brass knuckle

Here’s What You Need to Know About Brass Knuckle:

These weapons are pieces of metal that are designed in such a way that they easily fit around your knuckles. They are generally built to boost the power of the punch.

Though you can use them for both offensive and defensive intentions, avoid using it offensively as it may involve you in a criminal act.

These knuckles are similar to a weapon called “Tekko” which is one of the ancestral weapons used in martial arts in Okinawa, Japan. They are also called historical knuckle dusters, knucks, knuckle busters, or punching rings.

In the past, these knuckles were termed as “caestus” by the great Romans. And, it means “the hand protector”, or the glove that was used by the warriors to boost their punches while attending the cultural warrior events.

Later on, these knucks evolved into knives and nowadays, knuckle knives are very famous among those who are concerned about their safety.

How It Is Helpful In Street Fighting?

These knuckles are majorly used in street fighting as a personal defense weapon. The reason is that they are concealable and easy to use as well. So, you can give a surprise to your opponent by hitting him back with a knuckle duster during a fight.

Moreover, there are more chances that you will win your match.

Don’t forget to Read : Rising Trend of Brass Knuckles!

Let us tell you how these knuckles can help you in your fights:

  • It makes your punch harder and stronger.
  • The point of contact is created smaller for the more concentrated force of the punch.
  • It will reduce the risks of any injury to the user’s knuckles because these are covered with this weapon.
  • These Knuckles are as effective as a baseball bat. Thus, a harder punch with them can be lethal.
  • They are usually made of metal. Therefore, these weapons are really heavy and a harsh hit with them can trigger a skull fracture or bone fracture. So, use them carefully.
  • A punch in the face using these knuckles can rupture tissues of the opponent’s face.

After reading these points, there is no doubt that brass knucks are one of the most effective self defense weapons used in the street fighting.

But, keep in mind that your ultimate purpose is to defend yourself, not to hurt the opponent badly.

Hence, practice a knuckle buster properly and use it in a way that when you throw a punch to your opponent with it, he will be temporarily disabled to fight with you. So, you can run away from that situation in order to save your life.

Some Safety Tips for Using Knuckles:

Before using these weapons, you should consider some safety tips.

  • Brass knuckles are not legal in every country, because they can be deadly if not used with proper care. But still, a few countries have declared them legal. So, always follow your country’s rules regarding the safe use of this weapon.
  • Never use them useless, because it can take away someone’s life.
  • Lastly, learn some techniques to use this weapon safely.

Other Common Uses of Brass Knuckles:

Because of its different uses, we can say that brass knuckles are multi-purpose weapons.

Apart from using them for street fighting or personal defense, there are some other uses of these knuckles which are described below:

  • These knuckles are used as fashion accessories these days. People wear them in their necklaces, rings, or even attach them with their car keychains.
  • Auto ornaments are also made using these knucks. Usually, people hang them on the rear mirror of their vehicle. So, you can find them in different colors and styles.
  • They are the best ice smashers too. With them, you can easily smash ice without having any kind of injury on your hands.


Thus, we can say that brass knuckles are the best self-defense weapon for street fighting because you can easily wear them in your fingers.

Grab yours today and don’t forget to take it along with you whenever you go outside!