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Brass Knuckles - A Weapon For Multiple Purposes!

Self Defense Weapons

· brass-knuckle

Brass knuckles, also known as knuckle duster, is one of the best weapons of this century. It is one of the few weapons that can be worn. Yes, you can wear it around your knuckles and gain some strength in your fist. Basically, it works to enhance your punching power. Made of metal, it is a brutal weapon that can inflict a severe injury. But, it is not necessarily used as a weapon for brutalizing someone. Rather, it is a multipurpose weapon that is used in several different ways.

Knuckle duster is a complete wearable weapon. It is usually available as a pair, but a single piece is sometimes enough. Enthusiasts utilize this weapon in plenty of ways. In this article, I will highlight several magnificent uses of this multipurpose weapon.

Brass Knuckle

Following are different uses that determine that it is really a weapon for accomplishing multiple purposes:

Self Defense

The greatest use of a knuckle duster as self defense weapon. It has been adopted by the people of the US as a self defense weapon. It works effectively in such situations. There are a few advantages of the weapon that make it ideal for self defense. First of all, it is easy to carry. A weapon that is already worn around the knuckles does not need you to place it in your pocket or bag. You can always stay equipped with the weapon once you wear it. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about when an attacker may attack you. You are always ready to face him with your knucks defending you.

Secondly, it is a quick weapon. As an attacker approaches to you, you can quickly deliver a powerful punch on his face. Thirdly, your punch would have the power to leave him injured. However, make sure to target the face of the attacker because this is where you can do the maximum damage. It would almost break him in half. Hence, it proves to be an extremely effective weapon for self defense.

Street Fighting

Street fighting is another key use of brass knuckles. It is basically a weapon made for street fighting. Because it is brutal and quick, this self defense weapon is ideal in a street fight. You can defend yourself as well as lead the attack on your opponent efficiently. If you have annoying people in your neighborhood, you can get rid of them by using your knucks against them. Also, you can become a popular street fighter in your town.

Knuckle duster works in the best manner in a street fight, You can block the punches of your opponent with the knucks and then deliver a powerful punch on his face as a counter attack. This would injure him seriously and make blood pouring out of his mouth. Hence, you can easily slay your annoying neighbors with this weapon.


As brass knuckles is a multipurpose weapon, fighting and defense are not the only purposes that are accomplished with this weapon. You can also use it as your paperweight in the office or at home. In the offices, you often have plenty of documents placed at your table. The problem you often face is that documents and papers fly away.

To keep them at the right place, you need a solid, weighty items. Knuckle duster is a great paperweight that would keep your documents at the right place and prevent them from flying away. Also, paperweight often works as a decoration piece in your offices. You can find plenty of beautiful knucks to choose from as your paperweight.

Brass Knuckle

Fashion Accessory

Brass knuckles is a magnificent fashion accessory as well. It can be worn around the knuckles to gain an attractive appearance. It can be a part of your gangster attire. You often seen gangsters in the movies, they wear knucks to get that appeal. If you love dressing up as a gangster, you can simply wear this weapon. It is good to try different attires to be more fashionable. To impress your girl, you can wear a nice pair of knucks. So, if you are not a fan of knuckle duster as a weapon, you can adopt it as a fashion accessory.


Cosplay is another key use of brass knuckles that make it a multipurpose weapon. Cosplayers tend to have different things in their wardrobes other than costumes. At times, a single thing like a helmet is enough to get them dressed up for LARP. If they need to play the role of a gangster, they don’t need a gangster costume. Rather, they can just wear knucks to become a gangster. Such things are also appreciated by the audience. After all, the aim of a cosplayer is to get applauded by the spectators. If you are a cosplayer, add this to your wardrobe as well.

Vehicle Decoration

Brass knuckles are commonly used for vehicle decoration. They work as ornaments for bikes and cars. The bikers often wear them and also use them as attractive ornaments for their bikes. For example, they include them to their handles to make them look gorgeous. Car owners are even more creative than the bikers. They use knucks in several different ways. You would see them replacing their steering wheel with knucks or impose knucks on the steering wheel. At times, they use them as the door handles for their cars. If you are creative enough, you can use them for decorating your vehicles in different ways.

Bottle Opener

Many brass knuckles come with additional features. One huge addition to a knuckle duster is the bottle opener. It is not an essential feature but it is mostly added to the knucks these days. A bottle opener is specifically designed for opening bottles and canned objects. They make it easy to open cans and save you from the distress of opening them with your nails or teeth and end up injuring them. So, these are the uses that make brass knuckles a multi purpose weapon.