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Tips & Techniques to Use Pepper Spray Accurately

Self Defense Weapons

· Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is the most preferred non-fatal self defense weapon for both men and women. This is because it can be used and carried very easily, as well as, it is effective to stop attackers.

However, to get the full benefit of a defensive spray, you should take a look at how to use it properly. Here are some useful tips and techniques that will make you able to use this spray in an appropriate manner.

Pepper Spray

The Brief Intro of Pepper Spray:

As the name reveals, the active and popular ingredient of a pepper spray is Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) that is naturally found in cayenne and other kinds of hot chili peppers.

When you spray this defensive tool, the OC oil spray will work its magic for a few minutes, leaving your assailant coughing, choking, and teary-eyed. So, you can imagine the heat or burning sensation of this spray, which shows its proven stopping power.

Well, don’t worry! All these symptoms are not so dangerous. These will only make your assailant temporarily incapacitated and provide you an opportunity to run away from the life-to-death situation.

Tips & Techniques to Use Pepper Spray Accurately:

Although it is very easy to use, there are certain tips and techniques you should employ if you ever have to use this spray for self-protection.

1. Shout Before Using Spray:

When you are experiencing a life-threatening situation, try to shout before using your weapon for self defense.


Shouting may distract the assailant and you can use this time to spray him before he has time to react.

2. Don’t Raise Your Spraying Hand:

If you expand your dominant hand through which you are using spray, you will provide a chance to the assailant to make you target. He can easily smack or snatch the spray device from your hand.

Pepper Spray

This will leave you without security and make him able to use the spray against you. Therefore, as your aim is to shoot him to defend yourself, back away from your mugger.

3. Stay Focused and Keep Your Eyes Opened:

Do this when shooting the spray. Many people close their eyes when panicked. It is difficult to shoot at what you can’t see.

So, keep your eyes focused on your target person. As well, be careful with your timing. A lot of keychain pepper sprays have a range of up to 12 feet.

If you know you are going to your spray weapon, be sure that your target is within that range before shooting the spray.

Moreover, always try to get the benefits of the element of surprise.

4. Prefer Spraying At the Face:

If you are using this effective self defense weapon, your aim should be using it at the mugger’s face. With focused eyes, you will be able to do this without any trouble.

No matter whatever type of spray you are using, either a stream spray, fogger or gel spray, you should spray it on the attacker’s eyes.

Avoid doing spray blindly when you are in the crowd. Also, just shoot the spray for one or two seconds bursts.

5. Do More and More Practice of Using the Spray Tool:

Yes, you must learn how and where you will carry your spray tool.


The best practice is to carry your spray tool at the same place whenever it is possible. This will make you ready to use it in a critical situation without having to think where you have it.


Nevertheless, be sure you can access your defensive spray quickly from where you have it. Further, do practice for shooting the spray accurately so that you can defend yourself easily.


We are sure, by following these tips and techniques, you will have the ability to use a pepper spray correctly. So, get yours today and start the following tips to ensure your self defense!