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Which Is The Best - Stun Gun Or Taser?

Taser Gun

· stun-gun

If you want to know what is better, a taser gun or a stun gun then the first thing you should do is to study both these weapons in detail. There are people who often confuse a taser gun for a stun gun and it makes sense because technically both the weapons have the same function. Both the taser and the stun gun are used for self-protection, but they work differently.

What Is A Stun Gun?

A stun gun is a self defense weapon that helps people protect themselves from an attacker using electric shock. There are several prongs attached with the stun gun and the electricity runs through these prongs so you have to get them in direct contact with the skin of the attacker.

Stun gun

What Is A Taser?

A taser gun also uses electric shock just like a stun gun but the difference lies in the way it works. With a taser, you can bring down the attacker even from a distance. With this weapon, you don’t have to worry about the taser touching the skin of the attacker.

When you push the trigger, this Self Defense Weapon releases electric probes that help in bringing the attacker down. These probes, however, are attached to the gun with wires. The electric shock released by the taser affects the muscles of the attacker and it makes him incapable of any kind of movement.

Differences In A Taser Gun And A Stun Gun:

Other than the use, there are a lot of other differences between these two weapons. Such as:

1. Proximity:

A taser device can work from a distance of 15 feet and it can even be used at closer proximities. But when it comes to a stun gun, you have to make sure that the prongs are touching the attacker.

The best way to take over an attacker is to use the stun gun right on the neck. It is not fatal at all and the attacker will lose control of the situation for a while which is when you can escape or take over him.

2. Ease Of Use:

Stun guns are easier to hold and use than tasers. With a taser device, you have to make sure that your aim is right on point.

Also, with a taser, you just have one chance to attack the other person before he comes towards you. So, no matter what it is you have to make sure that your first try works.

3. Price:

Tasers are a little pricier than stun guns. Therefore, if you are on a budget then you should go for a stun gun instead.

Overall Verdict:

Stun guns are better than taser guns if you want to buy the right weapon for self defense. They are easier to use, they are cheaper and they are more effective self defense weapon.

On the other hand, the majority of people opt for stun guns instead of tasers because of the different styles, sizes, and designs with which they come. Also, this weapon is easy for them to use as they don’t have to practice for a perfect aim. It is a ready-on-the-go weapon that can be used by anyone.

So, whatever gun you are going to buy now, it is recommended that you should look for a reputable retail dealer online. They will have a huge variety of both taser and stun guns, thus you won’t ever run short of options. You will surely get the one that suits you the most.