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Spiked Brass Knuckles: The Most Dangerous Weapons

· brass-knuckle

The finger joints are termed as knuckles. The word spike is used for anything that has pointed end, the sharp points are termed as spikes. They are usually considered harmful as hardly one can get benefit from them, mostly they cause trouble. Copper and zinc are combined in specific ratio to form an alloy named as brass. The subject, spiked brass knuckles is one of the type of brass knuckles, these spiked brass knuckles are specially designed knuckles with pointed out sharp thorn type spikes, which are used to cause more damage. If we go in the history of knuckles they were made to add more power to the punch.

spiked brass knuckle

Fighting is in human nature, we fight more and love less, teen agers specially, they lose their control in no time and gets engage in physical fights. When we fight, no one wants to settle for anything less than complete dominance, everyone fights to dominate and knock other out. For this purpose as a hand weapon knuckles were introduced. They are usually made of metal and in are in form of rings attached to each other and it is worn on fingers, so that when one punches, it increases the force exerted by the punch. This helps the user to dominate and knock the other person out. Spiked brass knuckles are used for same phenomena.

Types of Spiked Brass Knuckles

There are two types of spiked brass knuckles usually found in the market. They are categorized on the basis of spikes. In one type of spiked brass knuckle, the spikes can be removed and in other the spikes are fixed. The type in which spikes are fixed, is less abundant. As they are fixed, they can save the time. The type in which spikes are not fixed, they can be converted into simple brass knuckles. Hence are more preferred, as can be utilized in both ways. These usually have screw type spikes, pointed from one end and the other end is screw type which gets fix on the knuckle. In this way the spikes can be removed and later can be fixed again.

The brass knuckles uses were in practice as they were not that dangerous but the spiked brass knuckles have more dangerous effect. Even a soft punch can result in deep wound. It is more used for harming the other person, whereas brass knuckles were not this harmful. The spiked brass knuckles are considered to be based on idea of combining brass knuckles with daggers or knife. In past they were available and used. The military forces used it as well. They were known as military knuckle knife. Now they have transformed into a new form which are spiked brass knuckles. These are more used for criminal activities. This is the reason the spiked brass knuckles are banned in many countries and are declared illegal. They have always been linked with events of assassination and murder. Brass knuckles got their fame from street fight. The damage caused by brass knuckles was temporary but at same time the damage caused by spiked brass knuckle is permanent. The result may be long term injury or wounds taking month to heal or at worst even death. Every coin has two sides, the bad and good. It is totally on the person how he utilizes it. Spiked brass knuckle can be used for safety concerns as well. In terms of self defense, they can serve the best. All you need is the chance to take it out from pocket or bag and then wear it and strike the other person. All this will take are few seconds but these seconds will be granting another life to you (if used to avoid assassination or murder attempt). One has to be careful, not to strike the solid thing as it can result in fracture of fingers.

Brass knuckles for sale is available in many different designs. They are widely used in fashion industries. They are used in belts, jackets and as necklace as well. Players wear it, as it looks cool. Gangsters also wear it and it is most common belief that the one wearing brass knuckles might be a gangster. Many famous characters have worn it. They are even hanged at back of cars.