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How to Use Daggers for Self-Defense?


Self-defense is quite important nowadays due to a rise in the crime rate all over the world. Everyone should know how to defend oneself from the bad guys and should be well equipped for an emergency situation. There are so many types of self-defense weapons available in stores nowadays i.e. brass knuckles, airsoft guns, pepper sprays, self-defense keychains, etc. However, did you know that daggers can be used for self-defense as well?


Push Daggers

Are you looking to get your hands on a push dagger for sale? This would be amazing as these amazing blades are carrying a glorious history which puts them into the category of classy knives. The typical characteristics of a push dagger are that these have short blades which are attached to T-shaped handles. Over the centuries, this blade has witnessed many ups and downs among civilians and the military forces with regard to its popularity as an effective weapon to be used in close hand-to-hand combats. Today, there are even some countries in which the use of push daggers is strictly prohibited. There are also certain states within the United States that completely ban the possession, and sale of these amazing knives.

The historical analysis proves that the origin of this knife dates back to the 16th-century subcontinent of India, where it was relatively used as an effective ‘punching sword'. It was not until the early 1800s, that this punching blade became popular in the American state where it was used by men and women from all kinds of social and political backgrounds. In fact, these daggers were also carried by politicians, who freely carried them into the federal and state buildings. This dagger was an essential every-day item which was essentially worn for self-protection. This deadly weapon was also popular among the gamblers and political emigrants of the state of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Initially, the push daggers became common weapons within the city of New Orleans during the 1800s. Also, this knife was worn as a boot knife or kept hidden within the coat sleeves. However, it could also hang from a strap to a button of the waistcoat. This weapon became much common with regard to its use in murders, brutal fights, and numerous riots so that the government of Orleans had to pass a law in 1879 which completely banned the act of selling, purchasing, revealing, and offering a push dagger. This blade was also a popular weapon with the population of San Francisco with some slight changes as the blade was a bit longer and the handle was made of walrus's ivory.

It was not until the late 19th century that the push dagger became popular in the European continent, particularly in Germany, where it was popular with the name of "Faustmesser" which stands for fist knife. If you would be getting a push dagger for sale, you would be actually carrying a whole history in your fist. However, prior to the purchase make sure to check with your local laws.